Powerful Graphics Software Tools for Financial, Scientific and Industrial Applications

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Science, Engineering & Graphics Tools for DOS

he Science, Engineering and Graphics Tools (Rev. 9.0) combine an enhanced Quinn-Curtis Scientific Charting (2D and 3D) graphics library with a complete user interface library. These tools can be used to create a wide variety of scientific applications running under DOS.
The tools are supplied in the form of procedures and functions and are supplied on disk in the source code of the target language. All of the routines can be used royalty free when compiled into an application program. A 400 page manual documents the software package.

These products are no longer updated and no customer support is available.

The Science, Engineering and Graphics Tools are available for Borland/Turbo Pascal 6.0, 7.0, Borland/Turbo C++ 3.x, 4.0, and Microsoft C/C++ 7.0. It is essential that you are a C or Pascal programmer to utilize these tools.

View Science, Engineering & Graphics Tools Datasheet (PDF)

Download the Demo (215Kb)

View the manual (7M) : for Microsoft C/C++, for Borland C/C++

Pricing and Ordering Information


Download versions of the Science, Engineering and Graphics Tools  are now available. See Pricing and Ordering Information

Features include 3D Charting, Windowing, Controls, Dialog Boxes and Menus

bulletScience/Engineering 2D Charting - Linear, semi-log, and log graphs. Multiple graphing windows. Auto-scaling of axes, line, scatter, pie and bar charts. Error bars, multiple x and y axes for a single graph. Adjustable xy intercepts, grid lines, and text labeling routines
bullet3D Charting - Surface Plotting, 3D Bar Charts, 3D Area Fill Charts, 3D Scatter Plots, 3D Area Range Charts, 3D Line Charts, arbitrary axis scaling for all three dimensions and fonts
bulletWindow Options - Windows can be moved, resized, hidden, iconized and closed using the mouse
bulletStatistics - Mean, mode, standard deviation, etc.
bulletFourier Analysis - Forward and inverse FFT, windowing, 2-Dimensional FFT and Power Spectrum
bulletCRT Graphics Adapter Support - The graphics libraries use the graphics routines supplied with the respective compiler. EGA and VGA support for all versions
bulletRoyalty Free - When used to create application programs
bulletVersions Available - Borland/Turbo C++ 3.x, 4.0, Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 , and Borland/Turbo Pascal 6.0, 7.0. It is essential that you are a C or Pascal programmer to utilize these tools
bulletContour Plotting - Our new Delaunay triangulation algorithm can handle contour plotting of data using a regular grid or arbitrarily spaced data points
bulletControl Objects - Push buttons, Multi-pole switches, and Scroll bars
bulletMouse Support - Pixel and world coordinates
bulletDialog Boxes - File list, General input, Check-off box, General list, Text output and Message dialog boxes
bulletMenus - Pull-down graphics mode menu system with help and hot key support
bulletMultiple Regression, Polynomial and Cubic Splines Curve Fitting
bulletSimultaneous Equations - Real and complex
bulletMatrix Math, Eigen Values and Vectors, Integration
bulletHardcopy Support - High-resolution printer drivers (not a screen dump) for Epson 9-pin and 24-pin printers, HP LaserJet, HP DeskJet (B&W and color), HP PaintJet, PostScript printers and HPGL plotters
bulletSource Code - 100 % source code except for our BGI printer drivers (for Borland Compilers). Source code for printer drivers available as a separate package

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