The auto-scaling in the Datalogger example takes place in the addNewPoints method, in the following lines. The call to pTransform1.autoScale is what rescales the y-scale to current data. The calcAutoAxis calls make sure the existing axes adapt to the new scale.
xValues = Dataset1.getTimeXData();
nNumPnts = Dataset1.getNumberDatapoints();
pTransform1.autoScale(Dataset1,ChartConstants.AUTOAXES_NEAR, ChartConstants.AUTOAXES_NEAR);
if (fixedStartTimeFlag)
pTransform1.setTimeScaleStart(xValues[0]); // peg start of graph at start of data
else // Set a 100 point view into data
So you must do something similar in your own code. If you can't get it to work, show exactly what code you are using to achieve the auto-scaling of the y-scale and axis.