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10 Posts |
Posted - 10 Mar 2010 : 18:53:47
I've combined both the rotate and zoom examples and I'm having trouble when the user zooms in, the z axis disappears. It is especially noticeable when the user rotates the chart then zooms in.
I have inserted the code below, I haven't been able to find a solution for this. I've noticed there is no SetZoomEnable for the Z Axis, I'm not sure how SetZOrder would be used or whether its the solution to the problem.
If you could point me in the right direction I appreciate it. Thanks for your time.
public partial class ChartControl : ChartView { CartesianCoordinates pTransform1;
private class ZoomWithStack : ChartZoom {
public ZoomWithStack(ChartView component, CartesianCoordinates[] transforms, double zpos, bool brescale) : base(component, transforms, zpos, brescale) { }
public override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs mouseevent) { if ((mouseevent.Button & MouseButtons.Right) != 0) this.PopZoomStack(); else base.OnMouseDown(mouseevent); } }
public ChartControl() { // This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent();
// TODO: Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent call InitializeChart(); }
private void InitializeChart() {
// simulate data this
ChartView chartVu = this;
Font theFont = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
// data double[] x1 = { 3.663965161, 7.448755375, 12.63964803, 0.045877066, 12.22243155, 12.03758151, 10.93751714, 12.1850462, 11.71236104, 12.55765871, 9.344306163, 10.43057219, 9.441357613, 12.07729946, 11.15650172, 10.95802909, 13.23384094, 10.67733627, 8.401910124, 11.90250012, 13.36822805, 13.67924775, 8.454798374, 8.9252313, 10.10287334, 6.078430882, 8.22200606, 10.12010426, 8.331029421, 4.1279319, 7.888074115, 8.265128854, 13.61462726, 11.53210752, 12.03464375, 12.22240559, 11.74443608, 11.70036633, 12.93537973 }; double[] y2 = { 1.155201874, 1.897499649, 12.15351368, 0.096716819, 7.99672973, 14.13653452, 10.34433685, 14.8402901, 7.478642319, 9.463070345, 3.594898583, 3.989024011, 5.992580411, 12.86286112, 7.192730009, 6.046422451, 13.14312245, 5.025648839, 7.275951816, 7.138585301, 21.68616996, 18.10968233, 2.17430839, 4.354473244, 8.694826315, 1.756861585, 2.075683806, 4.090638804, 2.098889103, 4.364818816, 1.980662707, 2.101775073, 20.46097867, 6.90107196, 13.8404631, 8.043220362, 11.4239412, 12.12795206, 20.5074413 }; double[] z = { 0.516706475, 3.021865348, 2.758921422, 2.901801, 4.739448596, 2.670990577, 2.673742164, 2.665976454, 2.811158066, 2.907472963, 2.791137629, 2.966415698, 2.726278752, 2.696509958, 2.793537543, 2.829896262, 2.832962902, 2.888497133, 2.88662272, 2.700237519, 2.756739318, 2.939588652, 2.766510203, 2.656128162, 2.672317933, 2.819118092, 2.957987087, 6.06436567, 2.639646455, 2.989303723, 2.707596624, 2.729024113, 2.858482872, 2.68988669, 2.874548514, 2.719381824, 2.669212504, 2.667630788, 5.667630788 };
// dataset for the solutions SimpleDataset3D Dataset2 = new SimpleDataset3D("Second", x1, y2, z); // 3D
// scale coordinate system for data SimpleDataset[] datasetarray = { Dataset2 };
pTransform1 = new CartesianCoordinates(ChartObj.LINEAR_SCALE, ChartObj.LINEAR_SCALE); pTransform1.AutoScale(datasetarray, ChartObj.AUTOAXES_FAR, ChartObj.AUTOAXES_FAR, ChartObj.AUTOAXES_FAR);
// position chart in graph area pTransform1.SetGraphBorderDiagonal(0.2, .2, .80, 0.725);
// set rotational parameters pTransform1.AbsRotateCoordinateSystem(new Point3D(10, 15, 0));
// define chart background Background background = new Background(pTransform1, ChartObj.GRAPH_BACKGROUND, Color.White); chartVu.AddChartObject(background);
// walls ChartAttribute wallAttrib = new ChartAttribute(Color.Black, 1, DashStyle.Solid, Color.LightGreen); Wall3D xyMinZWall = new Wall3D(pTransform1, ChartObj.XY_MAXZ_PLANE, 0.02, wallAttrib); chartVu.AddChartObject(xyMinZWall); Wall3D yzMinXWall = new Wall3D(pTransform1, ChartObj.YZ_MINX_PLANE, 0.02, wallAttrib); chartVu.AddChartObject(yzMinXWall); Wall3D xzMinYWall = new Wall3D(pTransform1, ChartObj.XZ_MINY_PLANE, 0.02, wallAttrib); chartVu.AddChartObject(xzMinYWall);
// x-, y-, and z-axes LinearAxis xAxis = new LinearAxis(pTransform1, ChartObj.X_AXIS); chartVu.AddChartObject(xAxis);
LinearAxis yAxis = new LinearAxis(pTransform1, ChartObj.Y_AXIS); chartVu.AddChartObject(yAxis);
LinearAxis zAxis = new LinearAxis(pTransform1, ChartObj.Z_AXIS); zAxis.AxisIntercept2 = yAxis.AxisMin; chartVu.AddChartObject(zAxis);
// x-, y-, and z-axis labels NumericAxisLabels xAxisLab = new NumericAxisLabels(xAxis); xAxisLab.SetTextFont(theFont); chartVu.AddChartObject(xAxisLab);
NumericAxisLabels yAxisLab = new NumericAxisLabels(yAxis); yAxisLab.SetTextFont(theFont); chartVu.AddChartObject(yAxisLab);
NumericAxisLabels zAxisLab = new NumericAxisLabels(zAxis); zAxisLab.SetTextFont(theFont); chartVu.AddChartObject(zAxisLab);
// x-, y-, and z-axis titles Font titleFont = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10, FontStyle.Bold); AxisTitle yaxistitle = new AxisTitle(yAxis, titleFont, "X Axis"); chartVu.AddChartObject(yaxistitle);
AxisTitle xaxistitle = new AxisTitle(xAxis, titleFont, "Y Axis"); chartVu.AddChartObject(xaxistitle);
AxisTitle zaxistitle = new AxisTitle(zAxis, titleFont, "Z Axis"); chartVu.AddChartObject(zaxistitle);
// x-, y-grids Grid xgrid = new Grid(xAxis, yAxis, ChartObj.X_AXIS, ChartObj.GRID_MAJOR); chartVu.AddChartObject(xgrid);
Grid ygrid = new Grid(xAxis, yAxis, ChartObj.Y_AXIS, ChartObj.GRID_MAJOR); chartVu.AddChartObject(ygrid);
Grid zgrid = new Grid(yAxis, zAxis, ChartObj.Z_AXIS, ChartObj.GRID_MAJOR); chartVu.AddChartObject(zgrid);
// first plot as a simple scatter plot ChartAttribute attrib1 = new ChartAttribute(Color.Blue, 1, DashStyle.Solid); attrib1.SetFillColor(Color.Blue); attrib1.SetFillFlag(true); attrib1.SetSymbolSize(10); SimpleScatterPlot thePlot1 = new SimpleScatterPlot(pTransform1, Dataset2, ChartObj.PYRAMID3D, attrib1); chartVu.AddChartObject(thePlot1);
// legend Font legendFont = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10, FontStyle.Bold); ChartAttribute legendAttributes = new ChartAttribute(Color.Gray, 1, DashStyle.Solid); legendAttributes.SetFillFlag(false); legendAttributes.SetLineFlag(false); StandardLegend legend = new StandardLegend(0.2, 0.875, 0.8, 0.075, legendAttributes, StandardLegend.HORIZ_DIR); legend.AddLegendItem("Plot 1", thePlot1, legendFont); legend.SetLegendItemUniformTextColor(Color.Black); chartVu.AddChartObject(legend);
// title Font theTitleFont = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 14, FontStyle.Bold); ChartTitle mainTitle = new ChartTitle(theTitleFont, "Chart Title"); mainTitle.SetTitleType(ChartObj.CHART_HEADER); mainTitle.SetTitlePosition(ChartObj.CENTER_GRAPH); chartVu.AddChartObject(mainTitle);
// tooltip Font toolTipFont = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10, FontStyle.Regular); DataToolTip datatooltip = new DataToolTip(chartVu); NumericLabel xValueTemplate = new NumericLabel(ChartObj.DECIMALFORMAT, 0); NumericLabel yValueTemplate = new NumericLabel(ChartObj.DECIMALFORMAT, 1); ChartText textTemplate = new ChartText(toolTipFont, ""); textTemplate.SetTextBgColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204)); textTemplate.SetTextBgMode(true); ChartSymbol toolTipSymbol = new ChartSymbol(null, ChartObj.SQUARE, new ChartAttribute(Color.Green)); toolTipSymbol.SetSymbolSize(10.0); datatooltip.SetTextTemplate(textTemplate); datatooltip.SetXValueTemplate(xValueTemplate); datatooltip.SetYValueTemplate(yValueTemplate); datatooltip.SetDataToolTipFormat(ChartObj.DATA_TOOLTIP_XY_TWOLINE); datatooltip.SetToolTipSymbol(toolTipSymbol); datatooltip.SetEnable(true); chartVu.AddMouseListener(datatooltip);
// rotate mouse listener RotateChartMouseListener rotateMouseListener = new RotateChartMouseListener(chartVu, MouseButtons.Middle, pTransform1); rotateMouseListener.SetEnable(true); chartVu.AddMouseListener(rotateMouseListener);
// zoom double zpos = 0.0; CartesianCoordinates[] transformArray = { pTransform1 }; ZoomWithStack zoomObj = new ZoomWithStack(chartVu, transformArray, zpos, true); zoomObj.SetButtonMask(MouseButtons.Left); zoomObj.SetZoomYEnable(true); zoomObj.SetZoomXEnable(true); zoomObj.SetZoomXRoundMode(ChartObj.AUTOAXES_FAR); zoomObj.SetZoomYRoundMode(ChartObj.AUTOAXES_FAR); zoomObj.SetEnable(true); zoomObj.SetZoomStackEnable(true); chartVu.SetCurrentMouseListener(zoomObj);
1586 Posts |
Posted - 10 Mar 2010 : 19:31:24
What you describe is a bug. The z-axis position is not preserved when zooming in the XY plane.
We will send you a modified QCChart3DNet DLL.
Also, when adding a grid in the XZ plane, use the following code, rather than what is in your example. Note that it specifies all three axes, and sets the GridAxisPlane to XZ_MINY_PLANE.
Grid zgrid = new Grid(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis, ChartObj.Z_AXIS, ChartObj.GRID_MAJOR); zgrid.GridAxisPlane = ChartObj.XZ_MINY_PLANE; chartVu.AddChartObject(zgrid);
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