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3 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jan 2019 : 20:01:36
I have the following JSON configuration:
It seems that if USL or LSL are missing, UCL1/UCL2 still render even if there is the text and line are disabled.
Am I missing something?
{ "StaticProperties": { "Canvas": { "Width": 1920, "Height": 894 }, "DefaultAlarmColors": { "Target": "BLACK", "LowAlarm": "RED", "HighAlarm": "RED", "Trending": "BLUE", "Stratification": "BLUE", "Alternating": "BLUE", "HighSpecLimit": "RED", "LowSpecLimit": "RED" }, "SPCChartStrings": { "Sigma ": "std dev." } }, "SPCChart": { "InitChartProperties": { "SPCChartType": "MEAN_RANGE_CHART", "ChartMode": "Batch", "NumSamplesPerSubgroup": 5, "NumDatapointsInView": 16, "TimeIncrementMinutes": 0 }, "ChartPositioning": { "GraphStartPosX": 0.15, "GraphStopPosX": 0.95 }, "Scrollbar": { "EnableScrollBar": true, "ScrollbarPosition": "SCROLLBAR_POSITION_MAX" }, "UseNoTable": { "PrimaryChart": true, "SecondaryChart": true, "Histograms": false, "Title": "" }, "TableSetup": { "HeaderStringsLevel": "HEADER_STRINGS_LEVEL0", "EnableInputStringsDisplay": true, "EnableCategoryValues": false, "EnableCalculatedValues": false, "EnableTotalSamplesValues": false, "EnableNotes": false, "EnableTimeValues": false, "EnableNotesToolTip": false, "EnableAlarmStatusValues": true, "TableBackgroundMode": "", "TableAlarmEmphasisMode": "ALARM_HIGHLIGHT_NONE", "ChartAlarmEmphasisMode": "ALARM_HIGHLIGHT_SYMBOL", "ChartData": { "TitleHeader": "Characteristic: ", "Title": "Soup_RiceWeight", "ChartNumberHeader": "Chart: ", "ChartNumber": "Xbar+Range", "PartNameHeader": "Item: ", "PartName": "999", "PartNumberHeader": "", "PartNumber": "", "OperatorHeader": "", "Operator": "", "MachineHeader": "Operation: ", "Machine": "Machine 1", "GaugeHeader": "", "Gauge": "", "DateHeader": "Date: ", "DateString": "01/25/2019 19:53", "UnitOfMeasureHeader": "", "UnitOfMeasure": "", "ZeroEqualsHeader": "", "ZeroEquals": "", "NotesHeader": "Notes", "NotesMessage": "NOTES MESSAGE", "CalculatedItemDecimals": 1, "ProcessCapabilityDecimals": 2, "SampleItemDecimals": 1, "ProcessCapabilitySetup": { "LSLValue": 20, "USLValue": 40, "EnableCPK": false, "EnableCPM": false, "EnablePPK": false, "EnableCPL": false, "EnableCPU": false, "EnablePPL": false, "EnablePPU": false } } }, "PrimaryChartSetup": { "ControlLimits": { "AddControlRules": [{ "RuleSet": "CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_BASED_RULE", "RuleNumber": 2, "EnableAlarmLine": false, "EnableAlarmChecking": true, "EnableAlarmLineText": "", "LimitValue": 0, "M": 6, "N": 6, "SigmaLevel": 0 }, { "RuleSet": "CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_BASED_RULE", "RuleNumber": 1, "EnableAlarmLine": false, "EnableAlarmChecking": true, "EnableAlarmLineText": "", "LimitValue": 0, "M": 6, "N": 6, "SigmaLevel": 0 }, { "RuleSet": "CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_BASED_RULE", "RuleNumber": 2, "EnableAlarmLine": false, "EnableAlarmChecking": true, "EnableAlarmLineText": "", "LimitValue": 0, "M": 1, "N": 1, "SigmaLevel": 3 }], "DefaultLimits": [true, true], "ZoneFill": true, "ZoneColors": ["SPRINGGREEN", "LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW", "LIGHTGREEN"], "Target": { "DisplayString": "CL", "LimitValue": 0 }, "LCL3": { "DisplayString": "LCL", "EnableAlarmChecking": true, "EnableAlarmLine": true, "EnableAlarmLineText": true, "LimitValue": 0 }, "UCL3": { "DisplayString": "UCL", "EnableAlarmChecking": true, "EnableAlarmLine": true, "EnableAlarmLineText": true, "LimitValue": 0 }, "123SigmaControlLimits": { "Target": 0, "UCL3Value": 0, "LCL3Value": 0, "AlarmTest12": false, "EnableAlarmLine": false, "EnableAlarmLineText": false, "EnableAlarmChecking": false }, "OutOfLimitSymbolType": "CIRCLE", "UCL2": { "EnableAlarmLineText": false, "EnableAlarmLine": false }, "UCL1": { "EnableAlarmLineText": false, "EnableAlarmLine": false }, "LCL1": { "EnableAlarmLineText": false, "EnableAlarmLine": false }, "LCL2": { "EnableAlarmLineText": false, "EnableAlarmLine": false } }, "FrequencyHistogram": { "EnableDisplayFrequencyHistogram": false, "PlotBackgroundColor": "WHITE", "BarColor": "LIGHTBLUE" }, "SpecificationLimits": { "HighSpecificationLimit": { "LimitValue": 310, "LineColor": "RED", "EnableAlarmChecking": true, "EnableAlarmLine": true } }, "YAxisLeft": { "LineColor": "BLACK", "LineWidth": 1, "MinValue": 0, "MaxValue": 0, "Enable": true }, "LineMarkerPlot": { "LineColor": "BLACK", "LineWidth": 1, "SymbolColor": "BLACK", "SymbolFillColor": "BLACK", "SymbolType": "CIRCLE" } }, "SecondaryChartSetup": { "ControlLimits": { "AddControlRules": [], "DefaultLimits": [false, false], "ZoneFill": true, "ZoneColors": ["SPRINGGREEN", "LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW", "LIGHTGREEN"], "Target": { "DisplayString": "CL", "LimitValue": 0 }, "LCL3": { "DisplayString": "LCL", "EnableAlarmChecking": true, "EnableAlarmLine": true, "EnableAlarmLineText": true, "LimitValue": 0 }, "UCL3": { "DisplayString": "UCL", "EnableAlarmChecking": true, "EnableAlarmLine": true, "EnableAlarmLineText": true, "LimitValue": 0 }, "123SigmaControlLimits": { "Target": 0, "UCL3Value": 0, "LCL3Value": 0, "AlarmTest12": false, "EnableAlarmLine": false, "EnableAlarmLineText": false, "EnableAlarmChecking": false }, "OutOfLimitSymbolType": "CIRCLE", "UCL2": { "EnableAlarmLineText": false, "EnableAlarmLine": false }, "UCL1": { "EnableAlarmLineText": false, "EnableAlarmLine": false }, "LCL1": { "EnableAlarmLineText": false, "EnableAlarmLine": false }, "LCL2": { "EnableAlarmLineText": false, "EnableAlarmLine": false } }, "FrequencyHistogram": { "EnableDisplayFrequencyHistogram": false, "PlotBackgroundColor": "WHITE", "BarColor": "LIGHTBLUE" }, "YAxisLeft": { "LineColor": "BLACK", "LineWidth": 1, "MinValue": 0, "MaxValue": 0, "Enable": true }, "SpecificationLimits": null, "LineMarkerPlot": { "LineColor": "BLACK", "LineWidth": 1, "SymbolColor": "BLACK", "SymbolFillColor": "BLACK", "SymbolType": "CIRCLE" } }, "Events": { "EnableDataToolTip": false, "EnableNotesToolTip": true, "EnableJSONDataToolTip": true }, "SampleData": { "SampleIntervalRecords": [{ "SampleValues": [222, 222, 222, 222, 222], "BatchCount": 0, "TimeStamp": 1545245177000, "Note": "" }, { "SampleValues": [255, 255, 255, 255, 255], "BatchCount": 1, "TimeStamp": 1545245731000, "Note": "" }, { "SampleValues": [222, 2, 222, 222, 222], "BatchCount": 2, "TimeStamp": 1545251078000, "Note": "" }, { "SampleValues": [312, 312, 312, 312, 312], "BatchCount": 3, "TimeStamp": 1545251107000, "Note": "" }, { "SampleValues": [255, 255, 255, 255, 255], "BatchCount": 4, "TimeStamp": 1545251578000, "Note": "" }, { "SampleValues": [255, 255, 255, 255, 255], "BatchCount": 5, "TimeStamp": 1545252045000, "Note": "" }] }, "Methods": { "AutoCalculateControlLimits": true, "AutoScaleYAxes": true, "RebuildUsingCurrentData": true } } }
3 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jan 2019 : 20:05:26
Preview of output:
Edited by - rsandbach on 25 Jan 2019 20:07:20 |
1586 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2019 : 13:42:18
Additional control limits should be added in a specific order. The standard +- 3,2,1 sigma limits must be first. The +- 3 sigma limits are added by default. The 123SigmaControlLimits block should come next and it adds the +-2 and +-1 sigma limits. After that you can add custom limits. Specification limits, if used, should come last. So in your JSON, move the 123SigmaControlLimits block above the AddControlRules block.
"ControlLimits": { "123SigmaControlLimits": { "Target": 0, "UCL3Value": 0, "LCL3Value": 0, "AlarmTest12": false, "EnableAlarmLine": false, "EnableAlarmLineText": false, "EnableAlarmChecking": false }, "AddControlRules": [{ "RuleSet": "CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_BASED_RULE", "RuleNumber": 2, "EnableAlarmLine": false, "EnableAlarmChecking": true, "EnableAlarmLineText": "", "LimitValue": 0, "M": 6, "N": 6, "SigmaLevel": 0 }, { "RuleSet": "CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_BASED_RULE", "RuleNumber": 1, "EnableAlarmLine": false, "EnableAlarmChecking": true, "EnableAlarmLineText": "", "LimitValue": 0, "M": 6, "N": 6, "SigmaLevel": 0 }, { "RuleSet": "CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_BASED_RULE", "RuleNumber": 2, "EnableAlarmLine": false, "EnableAlarmChecking": true, "EnableAlarmLineText": "", "LimitValue": 0, "M": 1, "N": 1, "SigmaLevel": 3 }],
. . .
Also, one minor, unrelated, point. In your sample data, do not specify all values in a sample interval with the same value. That means the sample interval has zero range, and that violates the central tenent of SPC charts, which is that sample data approimates a normal distribution. Data with no range does not work well in the control limit calculations. Give at least one sample for each interval a different value.
"SampleValues": [312, 312, 315, 312, 312],
in order to introduce some variation.
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