
Case Study #6 – SPC Charting Software Enhancements

A UK based industrial hardware/software supplier used our QCSPCChart for WPF (and .Net) software to replace the SPC Charts software they had been using in one of their standard products. In order to do so, they needed us to add some additional features to our software. These additional features included new control chart types, and additional control rule options.


New SPC Control Charts

  • [Moving Average – Moving Range] chart – both Time and Batch versions
  • [Moving Average – Moving Sigma] chart – both Time and Batch versions
  • [Number Defects per Million] chart – both Time and Batch versions


Additional Control Rules Options

  • Additional sets of Control Rules – AIAG, Juran, Hughes, Gitlow, Duncan, and Nelson, in addition to our existing WECO rules, which can be invoked with a simple setup call.
  • The ability to create a custom a set of rules mixed and matched from the existing rules in the standard sets (WECO, AIAG, Juran, Hughes, Gitlow, Duncan, and Nelson).
  • The ability to define custom rules, based on a list of twelve flexible templates we have defined.
  • A control rule event will be added to the software for creating custom control rules, not handled by the previous three options.Color Selection – Click on a y-axis and you will be able to define/change the color of the axis, and the associated signal using a simple color chooser dialog. This can also be done under program control.eature for every event

These features have been integrated into the standard release versions of our QCSPCChart for .Net, for WPF, for Silverlight, for Java and for Android products.