

In addition to delivering high-level charting and real-time graphics software tools, Quinn-Curtis offers a full range of professional services to compliment our products.  Our group has extensive expertise implementing the advanced computer graphics displays required in business, scientific and industrial environments.  Our range of expertise extends from DOS, 16 and 32-bit Windows, and .Net platforms (both regular and Compact), primarily using the C, C++, VB, C#, Java, JavaScript and TypeScript programming languages. We implemented a mobile SPC Charting application (QC SPC Chart) using Xamarin cross platform development tools, which you can find in the app stores for Apple, Also, Android and Windows.  For more information, please contact our sales department at  Services are generally billed on a time & materials basis.

Legacy Code Conversion

Programmers often contact us, stumped and frustrated, as they try to convert some piece of 10-15 years old legacy code, to work with modern computer languages and/or operating systems. Often times they are unfamiliar with both the source of the legacy code and the tools they are required to use in the target application. Our long experience in computer graphics make us ideal for updating the code in these types of legacy projects.

Consulting and Needs-Analysis

Often a company lacks the personnel with the skills necessary to develop a specification for a suite of computer graphics displays needed in an application. Our engineers can do a needs-analysis of your end-users to determine their display requirements. We can then follow through and deliver working prototypes of the proposed solution.
Special Features and Custom Development
We try to engineer our products to meet as wide a range of customer needs as possible.  There are times though a customer will have a specific charting or real-time graphics requirement not currently supported by any of our products. Our team is available for custom development, and can generally engineer custom features in a relatively short time, allowing solutions tailored to your business’s specific requirements.

Custom Design and Prototyping

Our design team has decades of experience developing sophisticated computer graphics displays, for virtually any situation.  We can take much of the time and effort out of implementing Quinn-Curtis solutions, by providing the complete source to custom-designed prototypes, specific to your needs.

Case Studies

Below are eight recent projects we have completed. Targeted development platforms include .Net, WPF, Java and Android.

Case Study #1 – Android-Based Anesthesia Monitor for Nexus 7

Case Study #2 – Android-based Fishing App

Case Study #3 – Display of Time-Based Events

Case Study #4 – Digital Scope

Case Study #5 – Sweep Graph

Case Study #6 – SPC Charting Software Enhancements

Case Study #7 – Patient Monitoring and Analysis Software

Case Study #8 – Antenna/Radar Plot

Case Study #9 – SPC Charts Online website